I. Partners

  1. Minister of Labour, Family and Social Protection (MMFPS), main applicant and coordinator
  2. Bernard Brunhes International, France
  3. European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE), Bruxelles
  4. National Agency for Employment (ANOFM), Bucharest
  5. Integra Association of Romania, Oradea
  6. DGASPC SECTOR 1, Bucharest
  7. The Department of Community Social Assistance, Timisoara
  8. City Hall of Piatra-Neamt

II. The Main objective of the project

To develop an efficient and modern unitary system of social economy by promoting active inclusion of Romanians in both the work place as well as social life, thus helping them improve the quality of their living conditions.

III. Reasoning

The need of such project is justified by the following:

  • Lack of proper legislation for promoting social economy (the concept of social economy is not being regulated yet);
  • Few developed and functional social economic companies in Romania;
  • Up to now, social economy was not a priority for the public administration authorities;
  • Lack of know how regarding social economy, its advantages as well as the importance of developing this sector in order to achieve a better inclusion of vulnerable groups;
  • Reduced involvement of the main vulnerable groups in the decision process related to social inclusion;
  • Undeveloped capacity of the public authorities in playing a pivotal role in helping and developing of social economic companies.

IV. The project’s main activities:

C1 Analyzing and researching Social Economy (SE)
1.1 Analyzing the actual situation of SE at the national level and identifying best practices

Will be identified and analyzed the following: the need, the actual SE companies, the best practices in Romania, the level of awareness regarding SE among the population, and the specifics needs of each vulnerable group regarding the level of absorption in the labor market.

1.2 Analyzing the existing best practices at the European level

A comparative study will be done regarding SE activities in the EU: successful examples, the main characteristics and legislative forms in several member states, ways to organize and finances SE. The study will contain recommendations and priorities for developing SE adaptable to the Romanian context.

1.3 Sharing experience between UE and Romania

Based on the previous activities there will several events where participants will be able to share their experience in order to develop SE in Romania. Furthermore, the best and innovative models will be than presented within transnational seminars.

C2 Developing the national legislature regarding SE
2.1 Inventory of the existing legislation and organizational models in Romania

It includes the analyzing of the current legislation (employment model, fiscal advantages, financing mechanism, subsidizing and other advantages given to employers, etc.) with its challenges as well as finding opportunities for developing SE.

2.2 Developing a frame for the SE legislation

Forming groups, which will include relevant people, in order to develop a legislative package needed for the development of a SE, including firm proposals for classifying various forms of SE, fiscal advantages, financing mechanisms, (micro-lending, subsidy, authorizing organism, etc.)

Furthermore, the methodology, mechanism and instrument of implementation of such SE legislation will be proposed including a medium term strategic plan for developing SE in Romania.

C3 Establishing the National Resource Center (NRC) to help SE initiatives

The NRC will be established as well as 3 local centers which will provide information in the pilot areas of the project in order to offer to whomever is interested in SE the necessary information and assist them in developing SE activities.

3.1 Establishing the NRC: defining the structure, roles, responsibilities, instruments necessary to function, training the personnel to be able to disseminate information and consultancy to those who will initiate SE activities.

3.2 Establishing the local centers (Bucharest Sector 1, Piatra Neamt, and Timisoara): administrative and logistical organization, training the personnel and functioning.

C4 Training and education
4.1 Developing a complex program of training in the area of SE

It will be realized based on the local needs and the specific responsibilities. A network of trainers will be established.

4.2 Increasing the level of professional competencies in the are of SE

Two main activities will be developed: scholarships for attending educational programs in countries where SE is already developed and organizing a competition where the best projects from Romania will be rewarded. The rewards will be given in the forms of scholarships to study/ visits relevant to the SE area.

4.3 Promoting the SE modular in the university curriculum

Elaborating a sustainable model of a master program in SE and identifying 3 other universities from EU member states which already offer such programs. The curriculum will be fully developed and the program will be accredited.

At least one Romanian university will be selected to offer the master degree in SE. The lecturers will be trained accordingly, as well as the courses to be taught. Thus, a list of several organizations and institutions which will offer internship opportunities to the future students will be provided.

C5 Transnational Partnership

5.1 Developing the national network by initiating several public-private, private-private, and public-public partnerships. Also there will be an interactive place on the web page of the NRC for all the partnerships formed. Several national conferences will be organized in order to present the SE initiatives in the next couple of years.

5.2 Developing transnational networks by encouraging collaboration between the Romanian key people and European SE networks (study visits in the EU, the establishment of partnerships, working together on common projects).

C6 Informing and Awareness Initiatives
6.1 Activities which give a higher level of visibility to the project: developing a web page, logo, advertisement material, etc.

6.2 Informing initiatives addressed to potential SE groups (vulnerable groups) and their partners

Includes a well developed communication strategy regarding SE which will be implemented by a national effort to inform the people though local meetings, advertisement and informational materials, press conferences, and seminars.

C7 Developing pilot SE companies

Help will be offered to local communities to develop SE activities. All three local centers will initiate a competition in the area of SE development within their own communities. The winner (group, association, foundation, etc.) will receive a grant and support from the local center to organize and develop SE activities.

V. Duration of the project

The project is for 3 years, 2009-2012.

VI. Financing the project


The finances of this project had been secured through the Regional Operational Program Developing Human Resources (Programul operativ sectorial dezvoltarea resurselor umane – AMPOSDRU) 2007-2013.

INTEGRA ASSOCIATION OF ROMANIA is involved in all the components of this project (with various degrees of involvement in each of them). It is also a member of the Coordination Committee of the Project and actively participates in the meetings.